Swine Flu

Swine Flu

Also called: H1N1 flu

Swine flu is a type of virus. It's named for a virus that pigs can get. People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen. The virus is contagious and can spread from human to human. Symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.

There are antiviral medicines you can take to prevent or treat swine flu. There is no vaccine available right now to protect against swine flu. You can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza by

  • Covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.

  • Washing your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. You can also use alcohol-based hand cleaners.

  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.

  • Trying to avoid close contact with sick people.

  • Staying home from work or school if you are sick.


CosmoGIRL! "希望之家"慈善迷你音樂會

CosmoGIRL! "希望之家"慈善迷你音樂會係特別為紀念去年四川大地震以而舉辦。所有收益於扣除成本後將全數捐助當地有需要嘅災民。RubberBand將會享:



呢兩場mini concert分別與Kary同小肥crossover!! 我地好期待呢次咁有意義嘅活動! 希望大家都擁躍支持下啦!


前兩日半夜睇番電視重播 完整版金像獎,哈哈果然比起 刪剪版精彩好多,全晚好多攪笑、感人既片段,最攪笑既梗係現代版 偷燒鴨之-英雄本鴨啦,小肥果然係攪笑既高手,而泥鯭同六號都演得好好哈哈勁呀!

而全晚最最最開心既一個獎項,就係由 集結號奪得 最佳亞洲電影,我本身好鍾意睇戰爭片,近年既所有戰爭片都睇咗好多,而 集結號既故事背景正正係講我哋中國既內戰,片內面每一個人物角色都係中國人,令我感觸更大。呢套戲我在戲院加埋在家睇DVD,一共睇咗三次,還記得第一次嚮The Grand戲院睇早場時,那天戲院不是太多人(大約20人左右),坐在我前一行那對上了年紀既夫婦,基本上由一開場就喊到散場,令我每次再睇呢套戲既時候都多了一份沉重既感覺。

雖然我好鍾意睇戲,但係對電影既認識真係好膚淺,只係識分 好睇 唔好睇,所以呢一篇絕對唔係一編影評,而只係一些我個人既感覺,不過如果你問我呢套戲好唔好睇?! 我既答案係好好好好睇^_^

最後真的好希望戰爭永遠永遠都只會在電影內出現, 遠離這個世界。


Guitar Fever

it was my honour to share a stage with these guys, what an experience.



guitar spectacular !

Trey Lee

當藝琛仲喺台上個洞穴彈琴時,我地已經捉住蜚聲國際嘅大提琴家李垂誼(Trey Lee)同埋九大恆星其中兩粒合照喇!! (攝於古巨基Eye Fever 09 現唱會後台) wahahaha!